AN Birth Story

AN Birth Story

Sooo, our plans for a natural childbirth got derailed after 3 days of labor (yes, you read that correctly!) Babygirl was delivered via c-section at 10:45pm on Saturday 8/23. Weighing in at 9 lbs 7 oz, 22 inches long w a SERIOUS head of hair! She was also sunny-side...
EF Birth Story

EF Birth Story

On Saturday, the 24th in the evening I started having steady contractions. I was having a lot of prodormal labor though so I didn’t think a lot of it and instead my husband and I went for a walk around town (we had been doing a lot of his because I was overdue...
KM birth story

KM birth story

Baby boy was born on the 10th of April and he is just amazingly gorgeous! We couldn’t be happier and he is incredibly content and happy. I had a special circumstance that ended in emergency c-section. But I think that given everything I went through, I was able...